Monday, January 24, 2011

Indiana University Student Memoir

Dad doesn't think that he spent his investment on my education wisely. I ask my parents today how they feel about that and they feel bad that I don't have a job and that it isn't my fault because the economy is bad meaning alot of people are out of jobs and even hundreds of more jobs being closed.  20,000 post offices in Illinois will be closed and a lot of people will be laid off by March.

There is a marketing assistant job posting at the hospital mom says so to apply to this job.  The sooner the better since it was just posted five days ago.  Since I last wrote I've applied to customer service retail companies online that provide many questionaires/surveys.  The whole process takes up to 45 minutes.  The only time I have left today since 2003 has been  used up for one trip to Florida, a year of rent, and some small gifts and cards.

Fortunately my parents have a strong relationship and have been able to get through the unemployment patches that involved a year of unemployment benefits, and some chores here and there.  While I was on campus in 2001-03 Bloomington full of opportunities has offered career tools such as colorful development course that required sitting in one business meeting and interviewing our choice of job staff and manager.  There were also computer self and skill assessment tests and books that offers information for job placements, internship preparation, and what best fits our mold of interests.

Have I taken advantage of the business degree?  Where the sky is the limit I've learned you can go anywhere with a business degree.  This is not a sales or recruitment blog only a memoir.  It wasn't easy coming home after living on campus but I was able to know what was the best choice for me by being given the opportunity to study on a campus environment.  Let me tell you that the extremes of change can be unsettling for the first year.  Having to adapt to no adult supervision or constant parenting a campus lifestyle took time getting used to. 

Mom gave me the calling card, dad gave me the money to go out, and I got a job at the cafeteria serving homestyle chicken and potatoes with other students.  It was a blast having a manager who was another student and a very enthusiastic personality as I changed the empty pans with chicken and filled the salad bar for each semester.  Meeting other students fields of study was always intriguing to me until I met Kloi Malko who was studying accounting.  We sat side by side on the cash register swiping student meal point cards on the weekends and talked about cute guys.

When we started going to Kirkwood St. the two of us made our way into the hippest night clubs on campus!  I feel that the campus study hard, turn in your homework, and past the tests circuit rewarded us with the night life of "Can you Handle It?"  And with time everything I've mentioned became like clockwork.  There was economics, urban society, biology, microeconomics, and never enough art classes.  Gally a theater major asked me to try a play rehearsal and I chickened out before I could even know what stage fright was. 

I was one to scurry to my classes on time, finish my boyfriends homework and mine so that we can go out on the town.  But all my boyfriend in college wanted to do was sleep till noon and eat all afternoon to party at night.  How his grades were better than mine, I could not understand.  He could pass a test with A's and B's.  One thing I could do better was write papers, and so I wrote a couple of his papers too.  His favorite thing to do was hang out with his dorm room buddies and play football on the field.  I liked to watch after a bike ride.

The weather was so nice in the fall but in the winter you could freeze to death or get reallly God forsaken ill from walking in the freaking cold class to class.  My best friend Jen studied special education and became a teacher right out of college.  She has been teaching special ed ever since and now has a husband and a daughter.  My boyfriend and I parted ways and he now has a little girl he named after his favorite baseball fields street Addison.  And although I haven't kept in contact much with them we all spent every waking hour together outside of class partying like there was no tomorrow.

Getting to class the next day was clockwork.  My cd player was filled with the latest U2 and Rolling Stone CD's while my bike and purse were stolen, and I got a ticket for underage drinking, I managed to take up belly dancing class,journaling, and writing for the campus newspaper doing articles on special events.  Roughing it in classes, dozing, daydreaming, and zoning in and out of consciousness wasn't uncommon.  Some of the classes were not meant to be passed like the one with probability and chance formulas.  This one instructor who was very pretty would help us to write out outlines word for word and tell us what was on the test.  Thank God for her. 

I thought I would relax after college but it only gets worse with out continuing your education in my opinion.  What I learned from college is to hold on tight to your achievements there because people will ask you for the rest of your life what did you get out of college?  And what good was it?

1 comment:

  1. As funny as it seems I've gotten jobs where they have actually told me 'Because you have a degree we're going to pay you $x more.' Does not seem to matter that the degree is totally unrelated.
